Sunday, 2 October 2011

Sorry for the lack posting, I've just been super lazy lately. But last saturday I went to 'Ancient Arts Revival'. Which is a little market/festival/exhibition thing with workshops and stuff too. There was one market stall in particular that I absolutely could NOT stay away from. Louise Kennedy from Nobby Village was selling off some of her wonderful vintage clothing collection. I didn't get many decent photos of the actual stall, but I bought some lovely things... Oh, and I met Kitty! The one and only Kitty from Kitty's Vintage Kitsch!
This is the loverly Louise of Nobby Village.

I absolutely adored this scarf and decided I had to have it.

Hurrah! Pedal Pushers!

This dress was a PERFECT fit and it was only $15!

This photo seems to make me look like a normal
teenager taking a normal picture of myself. It's worries me.

I don't really own any gloves and I figured I should buy some even if we are coming out of winter her in Australia, but the were lovely and only $3.

I couldn't bare to see these beauties go to anyone else. I had to buy them.

This was the only picture I managed to get of what I was wearing, even if you can't really see. But yeah.


  1. Darl you should have said something, I'd have taken some pics for you!

  2. Aw well thankyou... I got a few but they aren't the best pictures. Haha. And it was so lovely to properly meet you too!
