Wednesday 31 August 2011

NEW CAMERA. Yay now I will try and post more. If I can be bothered.

But yeah, hey again. Yesterday was my birthday and I got a few lovely things like  a camera, which is a Nikon Coolpix L120. It's one of the best cameras in its price range which is pretty nifty... I also got this lovely 1970's collared dress. It's pretty much a perfect fit, fortunately for me.
Another birthday score was this lovely high waisted floral maxi which happens to go quite well with my favourite 'lazy-cardi-.
This wasn't a birthday present, though I did successfully thrift it a few weeks ago. I've been looking for a cheap apron. My sister has a pink frilly one with lacy pockets and all, but she never lets me wear it. So thankfully I nabbed this one for 50c. At the op shop where I found it, another lady picked it up before me and carried it around the shop for a while with her other items as I kept my eye on it. Finally she sighed and put it back because the tag said $5, so I grabbed it as soon as she was out of sight. Since I go to that thrift shop so often, the women that work there know me quite well and give me discounts every time I go so I got it for a lot cheaper that it was supposed to be so I bought it before the other lady who had it before me saw it. Just as I was walking out the door theshe walked over to the table where she left the apron, sighed, and walked up to the counter to ask about it. I quickly ran away before she saw me with it. I just couldn't bring myself to part with it.

But on other news, 13th birthdays are supposed to be super exciting and what-not, but really, they are not. To be honest, I actually forgot it was my birthday yesterday when I woke up. That was until my dad burst through the door and screamed "HAPPY BIRTHDAY".  But um yeah he got me a book called 'My Cool Campervan' which is full of pretty retro campervans and I've wanted it for ages so thats cool. He also got me a 12 month subscription to Frankie Magazine

Also, you should all go to Kaelah Bee's blog and enter to win a wonderful Jensen record player! All you have to do is leave a comment saying what record you would play on it along with your email address.

 Anywayyyyyyy...... I suppose I will see you soon!

erin. x

Saturday 27 August 2011

She wore a skirt with flowers...

Hello dearies,

Today mother and I went birthday shopping. My birthday is this tuesday and hers happens to be the day before mine, so we figured we should go shopping and buy each other some prezzies. We went to a load of op-shops. Annerley is Brisbane seems to have so many great thrift shops. One of them is a lifeline 'vintage revival' so it has some amazing retro pieces. Mum bought me a beautiful short 70's dress. It's black with white and yellow flowers. Collared and short sleeved. It's a perfect fit! As I was trying it on, I came out of the change room wearing it, to show my sister, and literally everyone in the store swarmed around me saying how great it looked on me. Although there was only about 7 people in there. Anyhow, I also got this super-comfy high-waisted maxi skirt from a vinnies, also at Annerley. I don't actually get either of them until tuesday, but i'm also getting a camera for my birthday so I'll be able to show you both of them with my new camera! But I shall show you some crappy iPhone quality pictures that I managed to take whilst my phone still had battery at the Annerley Antique Centre...

This fringed leather jacket was so great, but it was $99. This one was from Vintage Revival.
This was easily my favourite thing I spotted at the antique centre. 'Twas an antique, fully working dentist chair. It's a shame I don't carry an extra $3500 around with me.
so. many. bow ties.
This dress would have been amazing. But I didn't have time to try it on, unfortunately.

Hope to see you all again soon, 
Erin. (:

Saturday 20 August 2011

I'm back!

I'm back!
Well technically I didn't go anywhere. But I've been busy doing stuff. Like sleeping in and thrift shopping.
I didn't score much from the local RSPCA store lately but I did get this really lovely shirt. I love the poofy sleeves and the collar. Now I just have to find something to wear it with.

And yesterday I bought my first pair of Dr. Martens! I was so excited when I walked past the shoe shop with a friend and spotted the sale sign. About half of the docs there were reduced to just $150 and they were all brand new! I was wanting a black pair or a dark matte colour, but none of the blacks were on sale and the only ones on sale in my size were the last pair of black florals. Floral docs are definitely not my favourites, but I've been wanting that shop to have a sale for about two years now, I decided I needed any pair that was fluorescent or terribly bright. 

^ Proof that they're real Doc Martens.
They're a perfect fit and I'll treasure them for the rest of my life!

Hope to see you soon!
Erin. :)

Thursday 11 August 2011

Home Sweet Home. Oh, whatever.

Honey, I'm home.

Now I've got my hands on a camera again I can show you pictures of stuff. yaysies. My camera's broken and my dad wouldn't let me use his to take photos of my scores from suitcase rummage, so I had to wait until I got back to my mum's house so I could use her camera. Anyhow, I now have photos of the things I bought... And what I wore...

So this is what I wore. I received so many compliments about my cape throughout the day..
Hat: Mombasa $30
Cape: Thrifted
Dress: Thrifted
Bag: Thrifted
This baby only cost me $4 and I love it!
Also I bought these glasses from a costume shop for $8 which I saw previously on Tavi's and Mollysoda's blogs.
Dis is ma' hat which I love so much.
Also, the other day I bought this liquid eyeliner, which is amazing, for just $7.
I bought this fringed genuine leather vest from suitcase rummage, $10.
This jumpsuit was from Tree Of Life
I bought this necklace from the local opshop for just $2 and I absolutely adore it.
I also bought this, 'thing'. I'm not really sure what you would call it to be honest. 
Anyway, hope you all had a lovely day... See you later. :)

Sunday 7 August 2011

To market, to market.

Today I went to suitcase rummage. I held my own little stall where I sold handmade cards and old clothes. It started 'officially' at midday, but most people got there and started buying and selling around 11-ish. I kept my stall set up until about 4:30 then packed up and went for a look around until 5. From 10:30-4:30 I managed to earn just over $70, which is pretty impressive seeing as I was only selling crappy cards and old clothes that I though absolutely no one would want. When I went looking around I bought an authentic leather fringed vest, a tie-dye smock-vest-thing and a Rolling Stones tee. I had some cards made by my mum and sister for sale too, but surprisingly they didn't sell as well as mine. I think it's just because as of the customers thought I was tiny and cute so they bought mine. Atleast 5 groups of asian tourists told me I was really cute and asked me for photos with them. One tourist guy even bought a card and then asked me to sign the back of it for him. It was weird.

^This one was hand drawn and hand painted by my fifteen year-old sister.
This one was also done by my sister.

Surprisingly, none of my sister's cards sold at all, even though they're great. 
As soon as I get back home, I pinky promise I will post pictures of this weekends buys from the rummage and hopefully I can find some pictures of my outfit...

Anyhow, hope to see you all soon! 

Friday 5 August 2011

Fringey McFringe Fringe.

Today I cut myself a fringe. It was a bad, bad, bad idea. It's crooked and it looks really stupid when I have my hair down, but it looks alright-ish when I have my hair up.

Photographic evidence that I look like a freak.
Also, I got this amazing dress the other day from my mum's rich friend who was throwing away heaps of clothes, and she just happened to let me rummage through all of it. I scabbed 2 garbage bags full of amazing clothes. But anyway, here's the dress.
Dress: Second hand
Jacket: Henleys Premium $49 (I think)
Badges: Thrift Shop 

I look really stupid in the picture but the dress is so comfy, as is my leather jacket. I absolutely adore the fabric, it's pale pink with pink poodle all over it. Unfortunately there's a huge rip just below the right sleeve going down to my waist. Which I'm planning on getting fixed asap.

See you all soon. :)

Thursday 4 August 2011

Well hello again...

Yesterday my mum took me into town, which is half an hours drive seeing as we live in the middle of nowhere. She had to go have a meeting with someone so I though I'd check out the local op-shops. I didn't score as much as I probably will this weekend at Suitcase Rummage this weekend, but I got a few great things...

These awesome novetly barretes for 50c each. 
These two badges for 50c each. The little chiefs badge is possibly one of the best badges I've ever owned.
Painted this mask and I'm planning on doing some more details on it but I'm not sure what to paint. Ideas?
This pair of earrings for $1.
And this pair of earrings which are totally awesome. 

I made a few more cards to sell this weekend at my Suitcase Rummage stall. I'll be selling handmade/handpainted greeting cards. If you're in brisbane this Sunday come check it out. At suitcase rummage it's pretty much a flea market kind of thing. Most of the stalls are vintage/retro clothing and stuff. But there's lots of handmade crafty stuff too. So yeah. Come along.

This badass card is easily my favourite. ^
And the card below was drawn by my older sister and painted by me. Although it's a little bit smudged..

Hopefully I shall see you all again soon..

Wednesday 3 August 2011

I can't be bothered to think up a good title.

WARNING: This will probably be the worst post ever, but however, enjoy.

Um, Hi. My name is Erin and this is ma blog. I'm 12, turning 13 in 27 days, although everybody says I'm really mature for my age and whatnot. I'm into many styles, lots of people think I'm weird because most twelve year olds don't really wear the same kind of clothes as me. I wear a bit of vintage stuff and hippie clothing. And when I explain my childhood to people I sound like I was raised by a group of hippies, which is sort of what happened. I don't go to school, because I'm homeschooled. So as you might be able to guess, I'm not really what you would say is a 'typical' twelve year old girl. I'm extremely short and probably look like I'm about eight years old, but whatever. Well anywhooo, I like cameras, I like clothes and I like the internet. So I figured why not put 'em together and make a blog about clothes and that shiz.
So here's an outfit from a few days ago I've been meaning to post...
Sweater: Thrift Shop
Shorts: Cotton On Body
Tights: Jay Jays
Shoes: Thrift Shop (originally from Country Road)

A few days ago I got an undercut. I'm planning on either bleaching it and dyeing leopard print onto it like this. Or bleaching it and dying it all blue. 

Anyway, thankyou very muchly for reading this far and I'm sorry for putting you through this boredom. And I will hopefully see you later.