Monday, 19 December 2011

I KNOW I AM THE WORST AT KEEPING UP WITH THINGS but whatever. I'm back. Um so yeah it's been like over a month but I'm not dead. So that's good.  I died my hair purple, got a pair of creepers, bought some pretty cool clothes and I got a new bedroom. Oh and I'm moving in with my dad in the city and I'm going back to school. But the school I'm going to is uniform free! So it'll hopefully be good.

I'm far too lazy right now to take outfit pictures, although today two lovely ladies from IZE Online Magazine approached me in the city and took my photo for their January issue!

I look extremely awkward and uncomfortable, but anyway, this is what I wore today. 
Everything is thrifted except for the shoes. They're by Demonia and i got them from VooDoo Lulu.

Anyway, I shall hopefully see you soon!
